pet society 无限1000蚊钱袋



Tools :

  • nofil2000 feed generator [download 1| download 2]
  • Fiddler 2
  • 2 Facebook accounts [primary secondary]
  • Cheat Engine to shorten animation
  • Follow the steps as every step is CRUCIAL. Don't complain if you cant follow the steps as missing out any steps would render the cheat useless.



  • Download all the required tools above and also the Feed Generator.
  • Extract the nofil2000 folder to your desktop.
  • Log into your Secondary facebook account
  • Open Fiddler2
  • Make sure Fiddler2 is capturing traffic and Firefox fiddler settings is set to 'Force traffic to Fiddler'
  • Go to this url in Firefox "http://apps.facebook.com/crossdomain.xml"
  • Now you should notice this url in Fiddler. "/crossdomain.xml"
  • Right click this url and select Copy > Just URL
  • Go to Autoresponder tab and click Add
  • Click the dropdown arrow beside the 'Save' button
  • Select 'Find a file'
  • Browser to the nofil2000 folder that you extracted to desktop earlier. Select the crossdomain.xml file inside.
  • Click Save
  • Now Clear your Firefox cache!  (tools> clear recent history> tick cache and clear now)
  • Now open the nofil2000.html that is in the nofil2000 folder.
  • Select the type of feed you want. If you want to collect the roses, tick the Hideeni. If you want coins, tick Lost Pet.
  • Enter number of links. I recommend 50-100 links. Any more and yourgame will take forever to load due to the large number of moneybags.
  • Click 'Get Links'
  • Wait till all links are Done!
  • Now, log out of this secondary account and log in your Primary facebook account.
    This is the account where you want the coins.
  • Now click Execute All Links in the nofil2000.html
  • Wait till all the links are executed.
  • Once done, go into Pet Society
  • You will have to click through a lot of popups. More links = More popups :p
  • Now you will see lots of moneybags!
  • You will need to open Cheat Engine now or it's gonna take forever to clear those coins.
  • Select firefox as process, Tick HEX, ALSO SCAN READ ONLY, Array of Bytes
  • Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
  • 1 address returned. Right click disassemble
  • Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing"
  • Now PS is in hyper speed mode. Clear those moneybags and save your game!
  • Repeat all the steps if you want more coins!



1. 「分身帳號」與「正身帳號」必須相識,而「分身帳號」必須要有寵物
2. 用 Chrome 瀏覽器登入「分身帳號」(不用進入遊戲)
3. 執行「Fiddler2」
4. 複製 http://apps.facebook.com/crossdomain.xml 貼上 Chrome 瀏覽器網址列並前往
5. 回到「Fiddler2」找回剛才的 crossdomain.xml 滑鼠右鍵選「Copy」→「Just Url」
6. 在右邊點按「AutoResponder」分頁,勾選「Enable automatic responses」再按「Add」
7. 將下載回來的「nofil2000 Generator」解壓到桌面
8. 回到「Fiddler2」右下方「Save」左邊按一下「▼」這個下拉選單,點「Find a file...」
9. 找回「nofil2000 Generator」資料夾內的「crossdomain.xml」再按「Save」
10. 回到 Chrome 瀏覽器「清除快取」
11. 將「nofil2000 Generator」資料夾內的「nofil2000.html」拖拉到 Chrome 瀏覽器
12. 點選「Lost Pet」下方輸入欄位鍵入 50 (因應自己需要可增大連結數量)
13. 再按「Get Links」直至出現「Done」表示完成
14. 現在登出你的「分身帳號」並登入「正身帳號」(不用進入遊戲)
15. 回到「nofil2000.html」按「Excute All Links」直至出現「Done」表示完成
16. 現在進入遊戲,你會發現已有大量錢袋出現
17. 執行「Cheat Engine」
18. Cheat Engine 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「Chrome」,再按「Open」
*會有多個 Chrome.exe,如找不到位址,請嘗試其他 Chrome.exe
19. Cheat Engine 設定勾選(Hex.Array of bytes.Also scan read only memory)
20. 複製位址 8B403C8945E88B45e885c0
21. 搜尋到後用滑鼠右鍵選「Disassemble this memory region」
22. 在該欄再用滑鼠右鍵選「Replace with code that does nothing」
23. 回到遊戲一直點擊「√」就可以了!
24. 之後你可以登出「正身帳號」再登入「分身帳號」重複第 12-23步驟就可以循環洗錢

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