Cheat Engin
Flash 10
1. Goto Pet Society game.
2. Buy anything from Food Shop.
3. Open Cheat Engin select Hex,Array of byte and ASROM.
4. Scan 89 75 EC 8B 45 FC 89 45 E8 BF
5. If more then 1 result right click on last result and select Disassemble this memory region.
6. Right click on first line select Go to address.
7. Copy the address and paste into excel file.
8. Enter how many PAW points you want then click generate
9. copy the content from yellow box.
10. Goto Cheat Engin Select Tools - > Auto assemble then paste and click execute.
11. Back to Pet Society buy any food to see the PAW points increase.
pet society最新hack lv.3/6/2010
发布:park008 | 分类:转载 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
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