Firefox 3.6
Flash Player 10 & 9
Cheat Engine
1.Go out find a coin from a tree.
2.Open Cheat Engine select your browser (Setting = Hex, 4 Bytes, Also Scan read Only memory)
3.Scan "06DA820F" for Flash 10, "06AB820F" for Flash 9 and 1 result return.
4.Right click on the result and click "Disassemble this memory region"
5.Right click on the first line and click "replace that code that doen nothing"
6.Now you should get a coin from every trees.
7.After collect all the coins Click "Add Coins"
8.Go out again and collect coin from every trees.
* Repeat step 6 to 8 should be able to get many coins.
pet society 摇树金钱cheat
发布:park008 | 分类:转载 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
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