pet society 利用彩蛋刷钱(英文版)



Tools : (  Download )

    * Cheat Engine 5. 6
    * Flash Player10
    * Browser ( FireFox )


   1. Go to Pet Society
   2. Go outside and bump a tree
   3. Open Cheat engine 5.x and choose your browser
   4. Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. 8 bytes , also scan read only memory)
   5. Scan address "81C02A0FF2FC4D8B"
   6. 1 address should returned
   7. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
   8. Go down few lines find "jb xxxxxx" Right Click on it and select "Replace with code that does nothing
   9. New Scan address "9B840FF68524408B "
  10. 1 address should returned (if more than 1 address select last address)
  11. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  12. Find  "mov eax,[eax,-24]" and  change it to "mov eax,90"
  13. Find "mov "[ebp-24],00000001" and change it to "mov [ebp-24],0000001e"

Strictly Note : Every 30 coin, you must click add coins to save the game and to avoid mayor pop up , so use mouse recorder incase you are AFK

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